using out of home advertising to help brands grow | Clear Channel
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How Brands Can Grow Using OOH

Refining your reach campaigns to target light buyers

We’ve regularly talked about how advertising is incredibly important for brand building due to its ability to prime people and increase awareness, and how Reach allows you to do this at scale. But the one area that is often forgotten, is how Reach is essential for targeting light buyers.

In this video series, our Research & Insight Director, Lindsay Rapacchi asks you to rethink the purpose of your advertising strategy. Using three marketing laws of growth developed by the Bass Institute, he will expertly demonstrate the importance of reaching light buyers  and why  Out of Home is the right media choice for brands to do just that.

Watch the episodes now

portrait photo of Lindsay Rapacchi

Meet Lindsay Rapacchi

Lindsay is our Director of Research and Insight and has over 20 years of media experience, many of which has been within the Out of Home industry.

Starting his career in media sales he was quick to recognise a disconnect between the outputs of media owner insight teams and the type of insights clients and planners actually needed to confidently buy media. As such, he started making the move over to research and insight and has been designing and producing impactful research projects ever since.

As an advocate of strong, brand-led marketing strategies and the marketing theories that underpin them, Lindsay is an expert at interrogating fact over fiction.

Looking to grow your brand?

Drop us a line and we will be in touch to talk about how you can plan your Out of Home campaign to reach light buyers.