Storm Specifications | Clear Channel
Storm Billingsgate Marketplace

Storm Specifications

Supplying Content

Our specifications and deadlines differ depending on which team has processed your campaign.

To ensure your content is sent to the correct department, please use the link below which best represents your booking: 

Booked through an Agency Group or a Specialist? Supply your content here.

Booked directly with Clear Channel or an Independent Agency? Supply your content here.

Creating Content

Static Content

Creative Dimensions: All Storm sizes can be found in the table below
File Type: JPG
File Format: RGB
CMYK will not display correctly
Standard Slot Length: 1 hour

Video Content

Video content is not supported

Dynamic Content

Creative Considerations

  • Creatives must not distract any motor vehicle or pedestrian through contrasting content or use of traffic signs/lights.

  • Video content is not permitted on Storm.

  • All Storm sites can accommodate copy updates every 60 seconds.

  • Screens do not emit sound.

  • Standard slot length: 1 hour

Content prohibitions may apply to selected screens. Please contact Clear Channel at least 7 days in advance if you intend to include any of the following categories so that we can confirm appropriate screens:

  • Sweets, Fast Food & other HFSS products

  • Alcohol

  • Tobacco/Vapes

  • Guns

  • Swimwear/underwear

  • Politics

Advertisers have the responsibility of conforming to the ASA & CAP regulations, including notifying if the NP score means that a product is classed as HFSS.

All content must comply with our Terms and Conditions.


Storm Cromination

Storm Location Screen Artwork (w) x (h) Nameplate Artwork (w) x (h) Bespoke Lighting
Cromination 1824px x 432px 432px x 96px 1x RBG code per campaign

Storm Landscape

Storm Location Screen Artwork (w) x (h) Nameplate Artwork (w) x (h) Bespoke Lighting
Leeds The Mile 2064px x 528px 288px x 96px n/a
Mancunian Junction 1400px x 360px 192px x 48px n/a

Storm Portrait

Storm Location Screen Artwork (w) x (h) Nameplate Artwork (w) x (h) Bespoke Lighting
Wandsworth Bridge 320px x 576px 128px x 32px n/a
Fulham Broadway 384px x 720px 96px x 48px n/a
Kings Cross 384px x 720px 192px x 48px n/a
Hammersmith Tower 448px x 576px n/a n/a
Billingsgate 480px x 720px 280px x 80px n/a
Liverpool Towers 480px x 720px 320px x 40px n/a
Glasgow Argyle Street 528px x 816px 336px x96px n/a
Borough High Street 480px x 736px n/a n/a
Mancunian Tower 720px x 1056px 336px x 96px n/a
Manchester Trinity Way 720px x 1056px 336px x 96px n/a
Chiswick Towers 768px x 1008px 480px x 96px n/a
North London Towers 768px x 1008px 480px x 96px n/a