New research highlights the power of programmatic DOOH | Clear Channel

The cookieless, data-driven solution driving programmatic marketers' campaign success. Enter DOOH

14 Jun 2024 / News, Programmatic
By Clear Channel UK View Author on Twitter
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Clear Channel UK launches new research highlighting the power of programmatic DOOH for data-driven marketing    

Clear Channel’s latest research report, From Cookies to Cohorts in Context, underscores the significant impact of programmatic digital Out of Home (DOOH) advertising on marketers, especially as privacy regulations, cookie deprecation, and ID signal loss complicate customer targeting and campaign measurement. In this evolving environment, programmatic DOOH emerges as a powerful solution, offering a cookieless, data-driven approach to advertising that enhances targeting and campaign effectiveness while preserving consumer trust. 

Programmatic media buying has surged in popularity over the past decade, now comprising an estimated 96% of the UK digital display market. The report accentuates the demand for programmatic buying with almost a third of respondents planning to boost their investment in this area over the next 12 months and 72% of senior decision-makers surveyed likely to increase their programmatic spending on digital advertising in the coming year.  

Senior decision-makers consider data triggers, increased optimisation, contextual creativity, and the ability to work with multiple data sets as the top capabilities of a programmatic DOOH. By leveraging layered data sets, programmatic DOOH enables precise targeting and triggering of ads, so they reach the right audience at the right time, thereby increasing campaign effectiveness and efficiency.  

Challenges such as the deprecation of third-party cookies are leading advertisers to focus on geo-based and contextual targeting. But it’s in these areas, that programmatic DOOH excels considering its ability to operate within a cookieless environment while providing advertisers with the ability and agility to respond to real-time events. 

There’s also the burgeoning role of programmatic DOOH in omnichannel campaigns, with two in five marketers agreeing that DOOH will become increasingly vital. Programmatic buying allows DOOH ads to seamlessly integrate into broader omnichannel marketing strategies, maximising campaign success and enhancing overall campaign cohesion. 

Expert commentary in the report showcases the industry's view on the channel's future, highlighting Out of Home’s high-impact and diverse formats as well as praising the flexibility and real-time optimisation offered.  

"While some marketers are already increasing their investment, others require further education on the benefits and capabilities of programmatic DOOH,” says Dom Dunne, Programmatic Commercial Lead at Clear Channel Europe. 

“As privacy regulations and cookie deprecation reshape the advertising landscape, our latest research highlights the transformative power of programmatic DOOH for data-driven marketing. By leveraging the flexibility and precision targeting capabilities of programmatic DOOH, marketers can achieve unparalleled campaign effectiveness and efficiency. As the industry continues to evolve, programmatic DOOH will undoubtedly play a crucial role in the success of omnichannel strategies, delivering impactful, contextually relevant advertising." 

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To see the full findings of our new programmatic OOH research or to discover more on reaching European-wide Out of Home audiences, please fill in the form below and one of our team will be in touch shortly.