Darlington Borough Council
- Category: Public Sector,
- Format used:
Key result:
Reduced illegal sales
Success Story
Darlington Borough Council’s Trading Standards and Public Health Services, teamed up with Durham Police and the Durham Agency Against Crime (DAAC) to coordinate the campaign.
The objective
The objective was to address the local issue with Illegal tobacco sales by educating the community on the effects of purchasing it and the links to organised crime.
The campaign
Using handpicked Adshel sites for a 24 hour presence in key locations, weekend displays on Adshel Live in the town centre and Geo Locate mobile ads in selected postcode areas, this campaign successfully engaged with their core audience.
The creative message was designed by the students at Darlington College, featuring links to the reporting webpage, making it easy for the Darlington community to provide info.
The results
"I received reports, via our online reporting form, about the sale of illegal tobacco which I believe were as a direct result of the campaign. The benefits of the campaign were magnified as we were able to use the bus shelter advertising in local press releases, in our local One Darlington magazine and social media posts."
Thanks again to Dawn Taylor, Trading Standards & Animal Health Manager at Darlington Borough Council. You can follow Darlington Borough Council on Twitter @darlingtonbc or visit their Website: www.darlington.gov.uk