- Category: Business Services,
- Format used:
Key result:
Increased sales
Success Story
"We looked at the top 20 postcodes that look for products directly in relation of dealing with debt. We wanted to pilot an outdoor media campaign in two of the prominent areas being Doncaster & Manchester. We ran the first campaign in Doncaster and we also
ran other campaigns alongside our outdoor campaign.
"We noticed a 2% increase in our brand search in the specific region we were targeting. We also received 10 direct leads from our CTA (call-to-action) on the bus stops. The campaign worked well for us in increasing brand awareness in the target region. Our conversion rates for campaigns in the area increased by 5% based on traditional campaigns
across similar regions."
"Future plans – we see outdoor media as key to our marketing mix. It’s clear that it has a direct
correlation to brand awareness and can greatly effect other campaigns when run alongside outdoor media.”
Thanks again to Taylor, Marketing Manager at Creditfix, for providing this case study. You can follow Springboard on Linkedin or visit their website: